Rhino Common Archive
11 Aug 2015
How to obtain the minimum and maximum values from a list in Grasshopper

Sometimes you need to know what the minimum and the maximum values are in a list or from a collection of lists. In Grasshopper, there are min and max components which will take two values and return the minimum and maximum respectively, but there isn’t a component for finding the min/max values within a list
31 Jul 2015
How to fix ‘type load exception’ when loading a Grasshopper component

As mentioned previously, I’ve been working in James’ territory on a Grasshopper component as part of my research. The tool is now ready for testing and as such, I gave copied of the .gha file and background .dll file to a colleague to test on their machine. However, instead of loading the component, Grasshopper threw
22 Jul 2015
How to access geometry Guids in Grasshopper components

This month has been a nice month for software development in my research, working on creating new analysis for healthcare design. The majority of it has been relatively straight forward (except the interpolation issue) working in C++ to produce the analysis. However, to move towards a tool which can be used in industry, I have
05 Jul 2015
Obtaining the angle between two vectors for 360 degrees

This previous post demonstrated how to obtain the angle between two vectors from three geometric points, providing an angle between 0-180 degrees. However, there may be times when you need the angle between 0-360 degrees instead, as I did earlier this week. As such, this post aims to complete the previous with the solution for
05 Jul 2015
Calculating angle between two vectors from geometric points – code solution

Calculating the angle between two vectors is a fairly easy solution to find online – there are plenty of maths help websites which will take you through step by step how to work out the angle, however, not many sites will provide you with the necessary programming code to put this into your software. As
19 Jun 2015
Obtaining the points that make up a polyline in Grasshopper/Rhino

As part of my EngD I work alongside other engineers solving day-to-day problems. James, a fellow research engineer at BuroHappold, and I regularly venture down the path of Grasshopper development. James works in Grasshopper for the majority of his work and his website (viewable here) contains a lot of hints and tips on getting Grasshopper
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