Grasshopper Hacks Archive
11 Dec 2015
How should you be coding Grasshopper components?

Grasshopper has evolved somewhat since its beginnings and it’s becoming increasingly common to find Grasshopper developers out there looking to push the boundaries of visual programming/modelling. For the most part, scripting for Grasshopper was done within the built-in scripting components (for Python, C#, etc). It allows people with little programming knowledge to create their custom
11 Sep 2015
How to stop a Grasshopper component in the middle of calculations

Moving away from the recent work in NodeJS back to Grasshopper has brought me onto a sore point with the majority of calculations I try to perform. Most of my work requires some intense spatial analysis but can take a rather long time to complete. Sometimes I connect incorrect data by mistake and calculations try
26 Aug 2015
How to prevent multiple instances of a Grasshopper component being added to the canvas

Grasshopper components typically have the ability to be added to the canvas multiple times to allow different calculations to be performed depending on what it is your Grasshopper document is doing. However, there may occasionally be a need for your component to only be allowed on the canvas once. There could be many reasons for
26 Aug 2015
How to stop specific outputs of a Grasshopper component from displaying results automatically

In this previous post, a way to stop a component from automatically displaying results on calculation was shown. This put the onus of previewing results directly onto the user. However, there may be a time when you wish for the user to view some results, but not all of them. For example, maybe you have
18 Aug 2015
How to stop components from automatically displaying results in Grasshopper

When you run a component in Grasshopper, if there are outputs associated to it, the outputs will be visualised in Rhino without you needing to do much. This is part of the ‘preview’ feature of a component, but sometimes, you might not want the users to automatically see the output. For example, if you have