17 Jun 2015
HTML include – object orientated development in HTML

Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) is the backbone of the internet and has evolved since its early days in the 1990’s as a mark-up language for text. Currently, we are in a state of HTML5 which has brought with it many new features to make our webpages more interesting and interactive, such as the canvas
09 Jun 2015
C++/CLI Wrapper – marshalling GUIDs

GUIDs, unique identifiers which can be assigned to items in C# and C++ are another set of variables which, despite sharing many characteristics, need to be marshalled between the C# implementation and C++ implementations when using the CLI wrapper. Marshalling GUIDs between System.Guid and GUID GUIDs are useful variables to pass between C# and C++
06 Jun 2015
C++/CLI Wrapper – marshalling strings

As mentioned previously, C++/CLI code makes use of managed data types to pass data between C# and C++. Primitive data types are not affected by this (int, double, bool, etc.) but others, such as strings, are. Marshalling strings between system and std Strings in C# are referred to as System Strings as they are a
06 Jun 2015
C++/CLI Wrapper – how to set up a CLI file

What is CLI and what is it used for? The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a part of .NET programming. It is commonly referred to as the C++/CLI wrapper (this may be important if ever you’re Googling for help) and is used for managing code between different .NET based code. As mentioned previously (here and
05 Jun 2015
C++ Error C2784 – Working with GUID keys in map data structures

Error C2784 is caused by problems with the compiler for using a key in map data structures. Map data structures are very useful in C++, their C# equivalent being the Dictionary structure. They allow you to store data to a key, which means when you come to need that data you can use the key,
04 Jun 2015
C++ Error C2011 – What it is and how to fix it

Errors are never fun to deal with, especially late at night with no one around to bounce ideas off of. During the course of my programming adventures I encounter many errors in compilation and hopefully, by posting them and the solution for them I might help myself later, or others, in solving the problem. Error
04 Jun 2015
Inheriting or Inclusion, the differences between both

Many programming languages make use of inheritance and inclusion. For beginner programmers, this can be a daunting concept but once understood, they can open up a world of new possibilities for your software development. This post is aimed at those who have an understanding of programming, but perhaps need or want a little example of
03 Jun 2015
Basic File IO – Java/C#/C++ examples

File Input/Output (FileIO) is a necessary piece of programming for software development where outputs need to be saved, or inputs used for calculations. All pieces of software create, to some degree, data which needs to be output to a permanent source on the file system. These files are not written magically and need to be
02 Jun 2015
What I did on my holiday…

It is a very rare thing for me to take a holiday of any substantial amount of time away from work. I like to keep myself busy and the idea of spending time doing nothing doesn’t interest me. My last proper holiday of sorts was nigh on 10 years ago while I was still at
22 May 2015
Activity Sampling – equations and explanations

What is Activity Sampling? Activity Sampling, also referred to as work sampling, is a method of data collection through observations whereby you take samples of the occurrences, rather than a continuous observational study. It was developed by L.H.C. Tippett in 1927 as a way of monitoring large numbers of machines and workers spread out over