22 Oct 2015
Healthcare Estates Conference 2015

Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October 2015 held the annual Healthcare Estates conference in Manchester. The majority of delegates were those working in NHS estates, though there were other professions including architects, engineers, chief executives and researchers. I attended the conference in my capacity as a Research Engineer to find out some of the developments
13 Oct 2015
Quickly obtain every file name in a directory with C#

A quick post today showing how we can obtain the file name for every file in a given directory using C#. This might be useful for any kit where reading every file, or every kind of file in a directory is needed – e.g. reading in various data files. In this weeks research work, I
08 Oct 2015
To India and back…

From September 14th to September 28th, James and myself took a holiday to India (hence the lack of coding posts recently – it’s been manic back in the office since our return!). The trip was designed as a holiday for James to revisit India (having been in 2010) and for me to use my passport
11 Sep 2015
How to stop a Grasshopper component in the middle of calculations

Moving away from the recent work in NodeJS back to Grasshopper has brought me onto a sore point with the majority of calculations I try to perform. Most of my work requires some intense spatial analysis but can take a rather long time to complete. Sometimes I connect incorrect data by mistake and calculations try
10 Sep 2015
How to use sockets to send data from a C# application to a server/webpage

Continuing the current them of working with NodeJS and sockets before I go on holiday for a couple of weeks, this post is going to look at how we can send data from a C# application to a server/webpage using Javascript and NodeJS. Previously in this theme we’ve looked at using NodeJS and Socket.IO to
10 Sep 2015
Using sockets to communicate between Javascript and C# with NodeJS

Previously, we looked at how to create a simple chat application between two web clients using NodeJS and sockets. Those that know me however, know that web development is not my preferred role anymore (not since the days of DW4N, MP101 and my pet project Lobo Malo anyway), so the work in Javascript and NodeJS
09 Sep 2015
Simple chat application with NodeJS and Socket.IO

This week has been about playing with sockets for some data communication between C# and Javascript. While getting to grips with the basics of the socket libraries, I created a simple chat application to run on my local machine. It served well as a basic introduction to sockets and the NodeJS package, so I thought
09 Sep 2015
NodeJS – how to install Socket.IO

This week my focus at work has shifted slightly away from Grasshopper and back into the world of web development, server communications and associated tasks. For part of my work, I created some test files to play about with sockets in Javascript (the bigger picture is to use sockets to communicate between some C# code
26 Aug 2015
How to prevent multiple instances of a Grasshopper component being added to the canvas

Grasshopper components typically have the ability to be added to the canvas multiple times to allow different calculations to be performed depending on what it is your Grasshopper document is doing. However, there may occasionally be a need for your component to only be allowed on the canvas once. There could be many reasons for
26 Aug 2015
How to stop specific outputs of a Grasshopper component from displaying results automatically

In this previous post, a way to stop a component from automatically displaying results on calculation was shown. This put the onus of previewing results directly onto the user. However, there may be a time when you wish for the user to view some results, but not all of them. For example, maybe you have