General Archive
10 Aug 2017
A visit to Berlin, Germany

Ok so first off, I apologise for the delay in this write-up! I went to Berlin at the end of May (29th May – 2nd June) and since returning have been swamped with work (conferences, paper writing and thesis mostly). We booked Berlin in April using because none of us could be bothered to
24 Aug 2016
A research update
It’s been a while since my last post here, mainly because I haven’t been working on anything overly complicated. Since June, I’ve been working mostly on a dashboard and paper writing/editing (including the European Healthcare Design Conference), so there hasn’t been much interesting to write. Today though I’ve had a little switch back into some
04 Jul 2016
Brexit – The one thing we should all do now

On Thursday 23rd June 2016, the United Kingdom went to referendum on our membership within the European Union (EU). The campaign for both sides, remain and leave, was fraught with scare tactics, playing on uncertainty and appealing to the base fears of the public with either the economy or immigration. Leading up to the referendum
24 Apr 2016
PHP Laravel – emptying database during seeding with foreign key constraints

It was little over a decade ago when I first began my developing career in some of the most basic of web-based projects. Back in those days, I was primarily based in web-development for a variety of projects including DW4N and a range of forums. In this challenge, PHP was my primary language of use,
19 Mar 2016
Experience, exposure, or just plain exploitation?
If you’re a programmer, you might be used to people asking you how easy it is to develop a game, or code up a website. Sometimes they might ask for advice, or ask if you could help them out with an idea they’ve got. I’ve experienced it and seen it a fair few times in
03 Jan 2016
A look back at 2015
With 2015 now well and truly over, I thought it might make for a good reflection to look back at how 2015 went in terms of the EngD, and prepare some goals for 2016 to measure a successful year. This way, when it comes to the end of 2016, I can look back and see
25 Nov 2015
Motorcycle Module 1 test

Things have been a bit quiet round here this month for one reason or another. The biggest reason is my research focus this month shifted slightly away from software development and into report writing. It started with my end of year report is due in with the university in January which needed drafting for supervisors
08 Oct 2015
To India and back…

From September 14th to September 28th, James and myself took a holiday to India (hence the lack of coding posts recently – it’s been manic back in the office since our return!). The trip was designed as a holiday for James to revisit India (having been in 2010) and for me to use my passport
02 Jun 2015
What I did on my holiday…

It is a very rare thing for me to take a holiday of any substantial amount of time away from work. I like to keep myself busy and the idea of spending time doing nothing doesn’t interest me. My last proper holiday of sorts was nigh on 10 years ago while I was still at
11 May 2015
UK Election 2015

The UK general election held in May this year produced a surprising result not predicted by survey’s leading up to polling day, or the exit poll itself – a Conservative Majority in the House of Commons. With 331 seats, David Cameron was able to form a majority government, yet all sources prior to the results
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