Author Archive
10 Aug 2017
A visit to Berlin, Germany

Ok so first off, I apologise for the delay in this write-up! I went to Berlin at the end of May (29th May – 2nd June) and since returning have been swamped with work (conferences, paper writing and thesis mostly). We booked Berlin in April using because none of us could be bothered to
06 Mar 2017
A tool for signage placement recommendation in hospitals based on wayfinding metrics

It’s been very quiet on here recently, mostly due to a shift in research focus onto paper writing and editing rather than code based development. But new news this week is the publishing of my second journal paper in the Indoor and Built Environment journal. That gives 3 published papers entering the final year of
06 Nov 2016
A visit to Trondheim, Norway

In October I was invited to Trondheim, Norway, for a workshop at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology on the 25th and 26th October. I was lucky enough to be able to fly out on the 21st October and spend the weekend in Trondheim as a tourist prior to the workshop at the university.
14 Oct 2016
Rhino error – This object cannot be modified because it is controlled by a document

So it’s been a bit busy recently at work writing up literature review notes, preparing for a visit to Trondheim, Norway, and continuing my research into operational modelling and planning for NHS hospitals. One of the key concepts of the development work I am currently undertaking to solve a research aim is the use of
24 Aug 2016
A research update
It’s been a while since my last post here, mainly because I haven’t been working on anything overly complicated. Since June, I’ve been working mostly on a dashboard and paper writing/editing (including the European Healthcare Design Conference), so there hasn’t been much interesting to write. Today though I’ve had a little switch back into some
24 Aug 2016
Excel C# interop – obtaining values from cells

Working with C# and Excel has been discussed on this site before with tips on preventing Excel.exe from hanging and converting integers into Excel column headings. Today’s post is a very brief example on how we can extract data from specific cells of an Excel worksheet. Obtaining a value from a specific cell Assuming we
04 Jul 2016
Brexit – The one thing we should all do now

On Thursday 23rd June 2016, the United Kingdom went to referendum on our membership within the European Union (EU). The campaign for both sides, remain and leave, was fraught with scare tactics, playing on uncertainty and appealing to the base fears of the public with either the economy or immigration. Leading up to the referendum
28 Jun 2016
European Healthcare Design Conference 2016

Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June 2016 saw the second European Healthcare Design (EHD) conference held at the Royal College of Physicians in London. The conference was aimed at those designing healthcare facilities to disseminate and share new knowledge and case studies in the field of healthcare design. I attended the conference both as a
14 Jun 2016
C# – Getting a list of every ‘color’ from System.Drawing or System.Windows.Media

In C# there are two colour structures in existence for making easy reference to a number of colours without the need to use RGB or Hex codes. However, they tend to be accessible only by typing their name – there isn’t an easy way to simply obtain a random colour from these structures. But if
13 May 2016
C# WPF – Convert colour to brush for UI styling

Something that may be occasionally frustrating is trying to quickly colour a UI element on a WPF window programmatically when you know the colour code, or maybe even have a ‘color’ variable storing the colour for you. There can be various ways to do this depending on how you have your colour stored, so this