Research Archive
It’s been very quiet on here recently, mostly due to a shift in research focus onto paper writing and editing rather than code based development. But new news this week is the publishing of my second journal paper in the Indoor and Built Environment journal. That gives 3 published papers entering the final year of
In October I was invited to Trondheim, Norway, for a workshop at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology on the 25th and 26th October. I was lucky enough to be able to fly out on the 21st October and spend the weekend in Trondheim as a tourist prior to the workshop at the university.
Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June 2016 saw the second European Healthcare Design (EHD) conference held at the Royal College of Physicians in London. The conference was aimed at those designing healthcare facilities to disseminate and share new knowledge and case studies in the field of healthcare design. I attended the conference both as a
The Engineering Doctorate is very similar to an ordinary PhD in that we produce and publish academic papers in conferences and journals. The process of peer review helps ensure novelty and impact in new knowledge and keeps academic output to a high standard (in most cases). As part of my EngD, I have been lucky
Grasshopper has evolved somewhat since its beginnings and it’s becoming increasingly common to find Grasshopper developers out there looking to push the boundaries of visual programming/modelling. For the most part, scripting for Grasshopper was done within the built-in scripting components (for Python, C#, etc). It allows people with little programming knowledge to create their custom
Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October 2015 held the annual Healthcare Estates conference in Manchester. The majority of delegates were those working in NHS estates, though there were other professions including architects, engineers, chief executives and researchers. I attended the conference in my capacity as a Research Engineer to find out some of the developments
Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd June 2015 saw the Centre of innovative and Collaborative Engineering (CICE) conference held at the Burleigh Court in Loughborough, collecting the minds of the current set of Research Engineers together for talks about the EngD process, writing up, networking and what happens after the EngD is completed. The Monday schedule
What is Activity Sampling? Activity Sampling, also referred to as work sampling, is a method of data collection through observations whereby you take samples of the occurrences, rather than a continuous observational study. It was developed by L.H.C. Tippett in 1927 as a way of monitoring large numbers of machines and workers spread out over
What is Mendeley? Mendeley, for those who don’t know, is a handy reference organiser – it can save PDFs and sync them across devices (using an online account) so you can access your papers on any machine with an internet connection (an online database exists if you don’t want to install the application on every
Mouse Art is a piece of software available from IOGraphica to record the movements of your mouse on the monitor. I stumbled upon this recently and have, over the last couple of weeks, been ‘playing’ with it while at work. It’s very easy to use and doesn’t interfere with what you’re currently working on. I’ve